Megan Bradfield
MBA 15
Investment Banking Vice President
Morgan Stanley
Banking is a very structured process. Internship recruiting done well results in a full-time offer from your desired firm. Haas’ Career Services were very hands-on and creative with our recruiting help.
All top employers for investment banking recruit direct on campus and the school prioritizes these events making them convenient for your class schedule and thoughtful in construct.
Interning at Morgan Stanley was my goal and the school definitely helped me achieve that. Following a successful summer, I was given an offer to come back full time.
IB recruiting and mentorship
For me, internship recruiting started the second week of class. I kept three suits in my locker and rotated through them for on-campus events. Investment banking is very much about relationships, so having a structure for networking right on campus was very helpful.
The mentorship that comes with being an Investment Banking Fellow is even more important than the scholarship. I felt comfortable asking my mentor all the "stupid questions," from office etiquette to what it’s like being a woman in a very male field. She was always willing to listen and enlighten me.
Right people...
I remember sitting on a sunny bench in the courtyard with an admissions officer, still wearing my Chicago-winter boots. Student after student greeted her, and she knew everyone’s name. That’s when I knew Berkeley Haas was for me: warm weather and warm friendships. I wanted to go to a business school where everyone is eager to learn, not just to compete.
To me, being people-centric is a way of being innovative, and Haas is definitely people-centric. Certainly, we covered the fundamental, hard skills needed in business, but classes like Negotiations and Leading People teach you how to influence and move people.
Having students from other countries adds a lot of value. I’m convinced some of my classmates are the future government ministers of their home countries.
Right place.
I love being able to go just a little way off campus and find myself on a trail in Tilden Park, where you might just be chased by a wild turkey.
Morgan Stanley
San Francisco, California
Program Director
ELCA Global Mission
Chicago, Illinois
BA, Philosophy and Religion
Drake University