International Student Representatives

The International Student Representatives (ISRs) serve as a student resource for prospective and admitted students across the globe. We're here to ensure that no matter where our global population of students come from, they have a smooth and informed transition into their MBA and life here at Berkeley Haas. Feel free to reach out to us with regional questions such as tips for finding housing, cultural acclimation and transition, or anything else that's on your mind!

Please note that our ISRs dedicate their time to summer internships from May through August. To request a 20 minute call with Anthony or Alice, see their schedule through the links below. If you have questions, you can send the ISR team an email:

For any admissions-related questions, please reach out to the admissions team at Check out our events page to sign up for an event led by the HSAs or admissions.

Asia-Pacific Region

Aboo Baker Mohammedi | MBA 25

Hometown: Karachi, Pakistan

Future Industry: Consulting/ Strategy @ Tech/ Manufacturing

Haas Clubs: Haas Consulting Club, Haas Fintech Club, South Asia Business Association (SABA)

Favorite memory about moving to the US: The opportunity to explore the diversity US offers in terms of different cuisines from around the globe and you can not overlook the variety of junk food.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: Warmth of not just the administration but the entire student body to go above and beyond in making you feel heard and included. The entire ecosystem is geared towards making you a better version of yourself. I am proud to be a part of such a thought invoking and inclusive community.

Fun fact: I curated and developed the menu of my Italian restaurant.

Wei Ma | MBA 25

Hometown: Taipei, Taiwan

Future Industry: Technology

Haas Clubs: Haas Technology Club, Berkeley Entrepreneurs Association, Asia Business Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Moved into a house in North Berkeley with three other Haasies. The house is spacious and has become a great venue for potluck parties. Also, there is a lemon tree in the front yard and we can make as much lemonade as we want anytime.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: Haas’ Defining Leadership Principles are so much more than just some nice words on the wall. They are the backbone of almost every decision that is made in the Haas community, across academics, administrative affairs, club events and even social activities. Therefore, Haas attracts a very special group of people.

Fun fact: I once seriously considered a tour guide career and passed the national tour guide exam in Taiwan.

Anik Mehta | MBA 25

Hometown: Mumbai, India

Future Industry: VC/PE

Haas Clubs: VP, Investment Management; VP, Beer Club; Member, Haas VC Club, Haas PE Club, Haas Finance Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: The United States was always a second home to me, marked by deep rooted friendships and relationships. A standout memory for me was HaasVegas, where half of our class danced to music that wasn't even playing on the main stage (iykyk)

Favorite thing about the Haas community: Haas' greatest strength lies in its exceptional community, characterized by kindness, brilliance, and a commitment to collective success. The warmth and inclusivity, fostered by both administration and students, create an environment tailored for personal growth. The community's diversity of thought continuously inspires learning and empathy, extending beyond the campus to make a positive impact on society. Ultimately, it's the people – from around the globe – and their deep connections that define Haas's vibrant and inclusive essence.

Fun fact: I once took a plunge into the ocean with friends, despite not having any knowledge of swimming.

Haritha Nair | MBA 25

Hometown: Kerala/Bangalore, India

Future Industry: Technology

Haas Clubs: Haas AI and Data Science Club, Haas Improv Club, Asia Business Club, South Asian Business Association

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Road tripping along the pacific coast, biking across the Golden Gate Bridge, basking in the SF sun, finding new favorite spots on campus every weekend.

Favorite thing about the Haas community:  The vibrance and diversity of thoughts in the Haas community never ceases to amaze me. Be it classroom discussions or sitting around in Yosemite and talking about pre-MBA adventures, I can always count on Haasies to give a perspective I could never have imagined. This diversity keeps us learning continuously (student always 😊 ). Beyond this, there is a high level of empathy in the community to support each other and the society at large - everyone aspires to create a large impact and is willing to constantly put in effort towards the same.

Fun fact: I am a developer with my code on Mars and in the Arctic Vault. If that isn’t enough geeking out, I am obsessed with English literature.

Pallavi Singla | MBA 25

Hometown: Punjab/Delhi NCR, India

Future Industry: VC/Tech

Haas Clubs: VC Club, Haas Improv Club, HTC Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Speaking at Story Salon, Our first get-together of all Desis in Bangalore, Biking across the Golden Gate Bridge, Trip to Point Reyes.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: The Haas Community is so supportive that you can be vulnerable and explore as much as you can. It was the only place that could give me a chance to speak my own life story in the Story Salon tradition at Haas.

Fun fact: I love listening to people’s stories, immersing myself in their experiences, and fostering a sense of belongingness through empathetic listening.

Anthony Zhang | MBA 25

Hometown: Hangzhou, China

Future Industry: Big Tech, Entertainment Tech

Haas Clubs: VP of Career and Alumni at Q@Haas, Tech Club, Consulting Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: During the ROMBA conference in Chicago, a tech company hosted their networking reception at Boystown. I showed up at the venue, which turned out to be a gay bar, in a full suit - oops! That night, the most beloved Haasies group hung out at the same bar and we celebrated two Haasie’s birthdays.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: Definitely the collaborative culture we’ve been building - I speak from my personal experience after doing 50+ coffee chats with other business schools during my MBA application journey. Haas is really committed to creating a supportive community and we are serious about it!

Fun fact: I almost became an actor. In my high school, I was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama in China but I ended up on a different path. Performing arts is still my passion so I influence my friends to watch Zhenhuan Zhuan (Empress in the Palace, the most hit Chinese show in the last decade & it’s also available on Netflix!) and we play skits adapted from the show in our free time.

Schedule a virtual meeting with Anthony »

Alice Zhu | MBA/MEng 25

Hometown: Nanjing, China

Future Industry: Technology/Consulting

Haas Clubs: Asia Business Club, Haas Tech Club, Digital Media and Entertainment Club, Women in Leadership

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Getting introduced to a million cuisines originating from different countries all over this planet, and asking my classmates how authentic these dishes are 😊

Favorite thing about the Haas community: A small, tight yet diverse community. A truly safe playground for testing your hypotheses, going with the unknown, learning from your peers, and discovering about yourself.

Fun fact: Seeking inner peace (meditation and journaling) and competency (socially competitive in social deduction board games and various poker games) at the same time.

Schedule a virtual meeting with Alice »

Europe, Middle East, & Africa

Kwamina Eyiah Arthur | MBA 25

Hometown: Cape Coast, Ghana

Future Industry: Technology

Haas Clubs: Africa Business Club (Co-President), Black Business Students Association (VP of Admissions), Haas Tech Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: An impromptu weekend getaway to Pacifica with a couple of Haasies from different countries. We rented a cozy Airbnb and spent our days exploring the city, sharing stories, and preparing meals from our home countries. One evening, a spontaneous dance party erupted to the infectious beats of Afrobeats music, creating an unforgettable bond that transcended cultural differences and united us as friends.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: Very lovely, helpful and passionate leaders who care about making a positive difference in the world. Almost every conversation seems very personal and authentic, devoid of the dreaded veneer of appearance.

Fun fact: If I could only subscribe to one YouTube channel for the rest of my life, I would choose “Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell”.

Danna Frolova | MBA 25

Hometown: Dubai, UAE / Moscow, Russia

Future Industry: Technology

Haas Clubs: Haas Tech Club, Haas European Club, Haas Beer Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: My first Lakers game - seeing LeBron live in action was truly special!

Favorite thing about the Haas community: The Haas community has my heart! Not only are the folks here brilliantly smart, they're also effortlessly cool – the perfect combo!

Fun fact: Originally from Russia, I'm choosy about where I live. Proud to say, I haven't bought winter clothes in the past 10 years!

Ruth Mbanali | MBA 25

Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria

Future Industry: Investment Banking

Summer Internship: Twelve, Project Development & Strategy 

Haas Clubs: Haas Finance Club, Black Business Student Association, Africa Business Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: On the weekend I arrived in Berkeley, I took a trip to Muir Woods beach with some Haasies.It was such an amazing experience; seeing the beautiful landscape, winding roads, pine trees, and mountains.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: Haasies stand out as one of the most supportive communities I've encountered. Throughout my challenging recruitment journey, the unwavering support I received from this community surpassed the experiences of my friends in other business schools. Every Haasie embodies our core guiding principles, creating a remarkable sense of unity and encouragement.

Fun fact: Growing up, I thought I would become an opera singer. This was because I sang in an opera choir while in high school and won national competitions. I’m not sure I can hit those high notes anymore (but who knows).

Imogen O’Connor | MBA 25

Hometown: London, UK

Future Industry: Health Tech

Haas Clubs: Haas Tech Club, Women in Leadership, Black Business Student Association and Oski Cohort Community Rep

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Haas Drag Race was one of the best nights ever! Seeing my classmates really commit to their drag personas and perform some incredible choreography was unforgettable. I can’t wait to perform next year!

Favorite thing about the Haas community: I always say that people at Haas are interesting and interested. I’ve never met a group of people with such varied backgrounds and crazy stories who are as equally interested in me as I am in them. It’s almost as if Confidence Without Attitude was one of our defining leadership principles… oh wait!

Fun fact: Since moving to Berkeley I have committed to only buying secondhand clothes. My best purchase has been a pair of orange cowboy boots and I want to wear them every day.

Ann Ukadike | MBA 25

Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria

Future Industry: Technology

Haas Clubs: Haas Tech Club, Haas Black Business Students Association and African Business Club (Co-President), Women in Leadership (VP Community)

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Drove an hour to Somona with my study group for lunch and wine tasting. I had my first oyster on that trip and loved every part of it. Spent the afternoon exploring two beautiful wineries and a farm eating strawberries straight from the trees in the farm as we explored the wine fields. I had a good time on this short trip with my study group and I will definitely recommend it.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: “The people”. I love how I have met people from across the globe who put in their best to navigate the MBA journey going beyond themselves to make deep connections with their peers.

Latin America

David Bravo | MBA 25

Hometown: Medellin, Colombia

Future Industry: Tech / Climate Tech

Haas Clubs: VP of Tech Summit at Haas Technology Club, Co-President at Latin American and Hispanic Business Association, Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative

Favorite memory about moving to the US: I have already visited and gone surfing at more than 10 different beaches within a one-hour drive from Berkeley. It's just amazing how many outdoor activities you can find in the Bay Area: running, cycling, surfing, windsurfing, hiking, and golf.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: How quickly you can build a very close relationship with your classmates is impressive. One of my favorite activities is hosting Deep-dish dinners, where you cook for five randomly assigned MBA students. During these dinners, you get to share your culture, typical dishes, interests, and passions, allowing you to deeply connect with your class. And as a “small” class of 280 students, you could try to build strong connections with most of them.

Fun fact: One of the MBA students in my cohort used to be a very close friend when we were 4 years old back in Medellin, Colombia. He then moved to the US and we never talked to each other for 25 years. After 2 months taking the same classes, we realized that we knew each other, and were next-door neighbors, back when we were just small kids.

Schedule a virtual meeting with David »

Javier Frieldlaender | MBA 25

Hometown: Santiago, Chile

Future Industry: HealthTech

Haas Clubs: Healthcare Association, Technology Club, Latin American and Hispanic Business Association, European Business Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: So far one of the best moments until now was being able to organize the first small concert of the year with all the musicians of the class, opening space for people to show their talents and being surrounded by an incredible supporting audience.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: I’m still impressed by how important and tangible is diversity and belonging in our community. My favorite tradition is the Story Salon, where we listen to real stories of our members, support each other, and welcome their courage with applause and joy.

Fun fact: Once I lost my bag with my passport in the middle of Bangkok. It was the best that it could ever happen to me and the beginning of a beautiful story.

Schedule a virtual meeting with Javier »

Daniel Lira | MBA 25

Hometown: Lima, Peru

Future Industry: BigTech and FinTech

Haas Clubs: Co-President at the Haas Tech Club, FinTech Club, and Latin American and Hispanic Business Association

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Exploring the vibrant spots in San Francisco and Berkeley, indulging in unique restaurant experiences, and immersing myself in the local nature. Additionally, the laid-back atmosphere of a relaxing day at the Pacific or Bolinas remains unmatched.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: The people. At Haas, you consistently receive a supportive hand to address any professional or personal challenge. Harnessing the diverse backgrounds of its community, Haas truly becomes a place of inclusive collaboration and shared growth.

Fun fact: My parents chose my name by randomly opening The Bible.

Schedule a virtual meeting with Daniel »

Gabriela Moreira | MBA 25

Hometown: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Future Industry: EdTech and BigTech

Haas Clubs: VP of Communications at Haas Education Club; VP of DEI of Latin American and Hispanic Business Association; member of Marketing Club, Haasabilities, Tech Club, Partners Club, Service@Haas, and Women in Leadership

Favorite memory about moving to the US: I keep remembering, from time to time, the day that I arrived with my husband, Lucas, and our two cats, Mimo and Grude, in Berkeley. We went straight from the SFO airport to our house at the UC Village. I remember how we were excited about being in a place that looked like the movies and had so many opportunities, but at the same time, we were so scared of knowing nothing in this totally new place.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: I love how people here are interesting. Everyone has so many layers and you keep talking to them and keep discovering new things. Passions, stories, dreams… everyone here is a box of surprises, even if they think they are pretty "basic and not special."

Fun fact: I love to volunteer in events and already worked at the Fifa Confederations Cup, Summer Olympics and Paralympics game, and International Mathematical Olympiad. I plan to work in the next World Cup (2026) and LA Olympics and Paralympics (2028).

Schedule a virtual meeting with Gabi »

Lara Schecter Vera | MBA 25

Hometown: Asunción, Paraguay

Future Industry: Consulting

Haas Clubs: Co-President of the Latin American and Hispanic Business Association; VP of Clubs for the MBAA; Member of the Haas Consulting Club, Women in Leadership Club, Berkeley Energy and Resources Collaborative, and Net Impact Club

Favorite memory about moving to the US: Having an activity planned out since day one and almost every day since, ranging from enjoying the incredible national parks, to exploring San Francisco, or expanding professional networks, or even going rock climbing at Benchmark with your friends.

Favorite thing about the Haas community: This is something outsiders will hear Haasies say every day, but there is some intangible quality about the people that come to Berkeley, often referred to as the “confidence without attitude”, that makes you feel like you belong. The MBA candidates at Haas are incredibly helpful and will go out of their way to help you and make sure you’re making the best out of the resources at Haas and your time here.

Fun fact: I love watersports and sailing, and even represented Paraguay in the World Youth Sailing Championship in Istanbul, Turkey in 2010.

Schedule a virtual meeting with Lara »